Sunday, 8 April 2012

Pair 7 - Sockathon 2

March 2012 meant the start of the next Fetch Sockathon.  A pattern called Circles had been chosen.  This involved slip stitches to make the circles and required a self striping yarn. I was completing other projects, so I started this one a little late, but we allow 2 months for each one, so I had plenty of time to complete them.

In my other bag of sock yarns which is home to the Opal/Regia ones, I found a yarn in pretty stripes, but no ball band. 

The pattern was easy enough to work, but the yarn doesn't work well with it and I find these socks rather ugly.  They serve a purpose though and are very wearable. 

The actual pattern is only on the leg part, the foot is all stocking stitch, so the yarn became more pretty as the sock progressed.

Start Date: 10 March 2012
Completed 3 April 2012

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